Why a Seed Library?
The mission of our seed library is to provide information, instruction and education on sustainable gardening.
What is a Seed Library?
A Seed Library is a collection of seeds that you can “borrow” for planting at home or community garden. All of the seeds in our seed library are organic and are purchased through Seed Savers or High Mowing Organic Seeds.
How Does a Seed Library Work?
Simply fill out the form in the library with your name and library card number, place it in the provided box and you may choose up to 5 packets of seeds. Plant your garden and enjoy the fruits of your labor! This program is for Center Moriches Free Public Library cardholders.
Do I Have to Return Seeds?
No. The Library does not require that you save and return seeds. However, we would love to see photos of your garden or hear stories about your success!