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    MON-THU: 9:00AM-8:30PM

    FRI: 9:00AM-6:00PM

    SAT: 9:00AM-5:00PM

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    Center Moriches, NY 11934

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Conference, Meeting, Training and Travel Policy

The Center Moriches Free Public Library promotes the training of professional staff to improve the quality of service, allow for career development and provide improved services to patrons.  Employees are expected to share knowledge gained through educational opportunities with colleagues so that the benefit is multiplied.  Employees may be asked to write up or present a brief summary to Director and/or the Board of Trustees.

Requests to Attend

Conference/training attendance that are free of charge must have the advance approval of your Supervisor. Local conferences that require payment must be approved first by your Supervisor and then by the Director. The Board of Trustees must approve conferences that require an overnight stay.  Please have any anticipated costs including travel outlined prior to your request as well as times, dates etc.  The Director and/or Board of Trustees may elect to pay all or part of the actual expenses for registration, travel, meals and lodging.

In the event that the employee cannot attend the conference/training that has been paid for and approved by the library, it is the employee’s responsibility to notify their Supervisor and seek a replacement or inquire to the sponsoring organization requesting a refund or credit.  An employee who fails to provide proper notification in this regard may need to reimburse the library for related funds it has pre-paid subject to the Director’s discretion.

Air/Train Travel

Air travel will be reimbursed for only coach class rate and is restricted to regularly scheduled commercial carriers.  All travel arrangements should be made in advance to take advantage of best rates and availability.  Prior to committing to a ticket, employees should be certain that they can stick to the planned itinerary.  Travel insurance may be purchased by the employee at their own expense.


For conferences that require overnight stays, the library will pay for a basic standard room in a reasonable priced hotel.  The attendee will utilize block booking rates if they are available.  Any upgrades to the room are the attendee’s responsibility.

Personal Vehicle/Mileage/Tolls

The current IRS standard mile rate will be used when traveling on Library business in the employee’s own personal vehicle. Mileage will computed depending on which is lesser distance between the meeting and the employee’s house or the Library.  (For instance, if attending a meeting in the morning close to an employee’s house and before or at the beginning of the employee’s shift, the employee would drive from their house to the meeting and then to the Library.  Mileage would be computed from the employee’s house to the meeting and then back to the Library.) Receipts must be provided for tolls.

It is the employee’s responsibility to ensure that they have a valid driver’s license and has adequate insurance for themselves and passengers.  Charges for gasoline, oil, accessories, repairs, depreciation, anti-freeze, towing, insurance and other expenditures will not be allowed.  These are considered operational costs and are covered in the mileage allowance.

Sustainability Commitment

The library encourages sustainable practices when attending conferences and employees are encouraged to:

  • Carpool or use public transportation
  • Select lodging with a eco-friendly/sustainable commitment
  • Utilize a car service with an electric or hybrid vehicle

Meals and Refreshments

Reimbursement for meals, including the tax and gratuities will be compensated while on library related business.  Detailed bills must be submitted to justify reimbursement.  Meals for overnight conferences/training may not exceed $75 per day while meals for local conferences/training may not exceed $30. A credit card receipt that does not show the individual items comprising the total will generally be insufficient to warrant reimbursement, unless the Director determines that a detailed check or bill was not available.  Under no circumstances will the library reimburse for alcohol.

 Miscellaneous Expenses

When traveling for library business you may be required to fax, photocopy, purchase postage/mail packages, use the telephone, pay for Internet Connection fees or other incidental services.  These expenses are reimbursable if it is for official library purposes only.  Library representatives must document the date, time and purpose and provide receipts. Whenever possible, the Director should be made aware in advance of such expenses to be incurred.  Approval of what is a reimbursable expense rests with the Director.

Taxi, Shuttle, Car Service

Taxi rides, airport van trips and public transportation use, as well as the reasonable tips that may accompany them, may constitute other reimbursable, business-related expenses. Receipts are required.

Parking and Traffic Violations

Any speeding or parking fines and/or penalties associated with a motor vehicle violation, which were incurred during library approved travel are not reimbursable.

Sales Tax Exemption

The library is generally exempt from sales tax on purchases. The card user must notify the vendor or merchant that the transaction should be tax exempt.  The employee should provide the library’s Sales Tax Exemption Certificate at the time of purchase to avoid paying sales tax.  It is the responsibility of the employee to pay any sales tax on a purchase when the proper documentation is not provided to the vendor.

Non-Reimbursable Expenses

Subject to the discretion of the Director, non-reimbursable expenses include, and are not limited to:

  • Family/Companion travel and their lodging expenses
  • Lodging amenities
  • Child/Pet/Adult Care or House Sitting
  • Wardrobe/Laundry/Grooming/Medications
  • Expenses related to non-library activities
  • Personal time taken before, during or after a business trip
  • Travel membership/insurance expenses, “upcharges” to travel outside coach
  • Loss of personal items
  • Entertainment

Meals and Refreshments for Meetings held at the Library

The Library Board recognizes that from time to time it may be appropriate to provide modest meals and/or refreshments at library meetings which are being held specifically during a mealtime for an educational purpose.  Any expenditure made for such meals and/or refreshments should be documented with a receipt.

Examples of authorized categories of expenditures include refreshments for staff meetings, training seminars, workshops and other educational meetings.


Reimbursement Form

Approved by Board of Trustees on 6/20/2024