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    SUN: 12:00PM-5:00PM

    MON-THU: 9:00AM-8:30PM

    FRI: 9:00AM-6:00PM

    SAT: 9:00AM-5:00PM

  • 631-878-0940

    235 Main Street
    Center Moriches, NY 11934

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Our Lady Queen of Apostles Regional

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(631) 878-1033

2 St Johns Pl, Center Moriches, NY 11934, USA

Called to be a family of families, Our Lady Queen of the Apostles Regional Catholic School seeks to educate and nurture our students as disciples of Jesus Christ firmly grounded in our Catholic Tradition. Inviting God to be a part of the daily rhythm of our school-life, we strive to give our students a sure foundation of faith and a moral compass. By instilling in them a sense of self control, respect, and relationship, we help to guide their lives and shape the world of tomorrow. By seeking always to give our students individual attention, calling them by name and walking with them, we work to promote and uphold their dignity so they can achieve academic excellence and have a successful future. The environment of our school is shaped by civility, order and respect helping our students to learn to never settle for mediocrity and treat everyone with the same compassion and dignity they have received. As a home away from home, the Catholic School of Center Moriches seeks to provide a safe and beautiful place to grow.

Preschools & Daycares

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